
Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Dear All Munagapadu Voters!!!

From the the above photo we can say that two thing which related to one word only!!!

1 .Politicians don't have Shame!!!!
2. We don't have a Shame to select like this peoples  as public servants.

I don't know weather politicians don't have that Shame or the people who vote them and give them permission to change our lives and gave all powers...

But Finally it takes this much time,Sorry it is not yet finished before finished get repaired also!!!

If it takes that much of time to complete a small tank in small village with 32 Lak Rupees.
Its there is no wrong of going rupee down  day by day,no improvement,no employment,rapes on women and this line never end.

Who will change India!!!

Nobody Change you, So start change from your end...
Your vote is valuable don't sell it,don't forget to vote correct person!!!   

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